Senegal Season – “The Kickoff”

I cannot believe that I have been in Linguère for three weeks now! I am living with a host family this year, who I eat all of my meals with. I have my own room with a wardrobe, an electric fan (major key) and the largest bed I have ever seen (the majority of my room). My host grandmother, three aunts, and an uncle currently live in the same house, with many cousins/uncles/aunts living in nearby houses. My host father and mother are currently out of town at a larger hospital as they just had a baby boy. The community lifestyle here means that different family members are often stopping by for meals or to say hi. As a member of a family here, I have been given a Senegalese name – Pape Samba Sy. It is fun to have a name that makes me a part of the family, but it is also fun to observe people’s reactions when I introduce myself and many friends/family here find my name humorous.

Since it is the weekend I am off from work. Yesterday I went to a tailor with my host uncle and then spent the remaining morning visiting with family under a shade tree. Lunch is eaten in the early afternoon (usually around 2 in my house).  We had Cebb u Jenn, the Senegalese national dish which consists of a bowl of Rice (Cebb), with Fish (Jenn) and a large variety of vegetables resting on top at the center of the bowl. A delicious onion/tamarind sauce was also covering the rice.

Today I started the day with a shower (a must in the evening and morning) and had a baguette with onion sauce and coffee with sugar. I also attended church in Linguère, which consists of a few families and the pastor. The liturgy and sermon are a mix of French and Pulaar both of which I understand little to none. I look forward to learning more language throughout the year.

The countryside of Linguère. It is currently the rainy season and vegetation blankets the surrounding land. I took these photos while on an evening run outside of town.

One thought on “Senegal Season – “The Kickoff”

  1. Great to read your post. Sounds like you are exactly where you’re meant to be at this time in your life….blessings to you…


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